May 2, 2010



不过我觉得他对美国新教不了解,美国新教有两个阵营,evangelical 和 mainline

通用的定义,mainline包括7个新教demoninations,称为Seven Sisters. United Methodist Church是承认evolution的,也是Seven Sisters之一。UMC是美国第二大新教支派,是第三大基督教支派,次于Baptist和天主教,有 8 million信徒。

evangelical 的代表是Southern Bapstist Convention, 前几年为same-sex marriage和ordination of female pastor的事情脱离全世界Baptist的联盟。大概Charles Dawkins说的是evangelical的教会,不幸的是,SBC位居美国新教和所有宗教第一位,有16 million 信徒。






Still, so many people resist believing in evolution. Where does the resistance come from?

It comes, I'm sorry to say, from religion. And from bad religion. You
won't find any opposition to the idea of evolution among sophisticated,
educated theologians. It comes from an exceedingly retarded, primitive
version of religion, which unfortunately is at present undergoing an
epidemic in the United States. Not in Europe, not in Britain, but in
the United States.

My American friends tell me that you are slipping towards a theocratic
Dark Age. Which is very disagreeable for the very large number of
educated, intelligent and right-thinking people in America.
Unfortunately, at present, it's slightly outnumbered by the ignorant,
uneducated people who voted Bush in.

But the broad direction of history is toward enlightenment, and so I
think that what America is going through at the moment will prove to be
a temporary reverse. I think there is great hope for the future. My
advice would be, Don't despair, these things pass.

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