President Obama在一个事关美国梦的问题上,让我很失望。Obama总统2008年时承诺综合移民改革,但是至今这是空头支票,我想,那就给Romney一次开空头支票的机会。
Romney的支票,根据他的网站,是这样写的 (如果你不耐烦,直接看最后一句):
Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at a high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.(合法移民只占美国8%的人口,但是他们创办了美国16%最好的高科技公司,在25%高科技公司中担任CEO或总工,产生了超过25%的专利)
- The United States is projected to face a shortage of 230,000 science and technology workers by 2018. At the same time, we have set the caps on high-skill visas so low that, for some countries, an entire year’s quota has been filled in an hour. Mitt Romney will ask Congress to raise the caps on visas for highly skilled immigrants. (预计到2018年,美国将缺乏23万科技工作者!!!Romney会要求国会提高高技术移民签证限额。)
- ...
- Every foreign student who obtains an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering at a U.S. university should be granted permanent residency.
我有很多开startup的想法,但是受制身份,其他教授请我开公司我都不敢入伙。这是非常broken的移民体系,很多人因为没有绿卡,不能施展他们的才华,同时为美国经济做贡献,更不能加入非现役联邦军队,比如陆军国民兵(Army National Guard)。
4年来,President Obama唯一在移民问题上的措施是给从小非法进入美国的小孩发工作许可。我很失望,这离他承诺的综合移民改革差太远。