很多年前,新东方的老师说,Webster字典让美国人民站起来了,从此,全世界人民都知道honor (honour), check (cheque) 不是错误的拼写. M-W字典中骄傲的说,我们自由人说 Be different from 或者 be different than, 只有英国女王的追随者说 be different to.
今天我才意识到,Wiktionary再一次让美国人民站起来——我们和加拿大人使用的词汇和语法也是超级不同的。以后我回答Canadian reviewer comments的时候,全部附上Wiktionary的解释,加上一句"I speak the proper English, the English used in the country of the most English speakers, and a country where English is not the official language." 是的,合众国没有官方语言,美国英语是人民的语言,是一种of the people, by the people, for the people的语言。
1. 今天我问我妹妹toward和towards有什么区别,我感觉在美国大家都混用。我妹妹说,没有怎么见到人用toward。我说(美国)这边用的多了去了,她说interesting. 于是我蹭蹭的跑到Wiktionary (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/toward ) 去,看到:
toward (mainly in American English)后面解释到:
2. 有一次我妹妹说,我的paper里面help用的不对,"It helps build a better solver."有语法错误。 于是我蹭蹭跑到Wiktionary (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:English_catenative_verbs ), 看到:
- Although some have tried to discern a semantic distinction between the words toward and towards, the difference is merely dialectal. Toward is more common in American English and towards is the predominant form in British English.
而且在help这个条目里面,所有的情况都没加to (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/help#Verb ), 俨然告诉全世界人民,加to的用法是不常见的。
- Note The to is optional.
- I helped to pack her bags.
- I helped pack her bags.
3. 最后,让我来举个Canadian reviewer 和我捣蛋的例子来说明Wiktionary让美国人民站起来。
一个reviewer说,我应该把所有i.e.和e.g.后面的逗号全去了。我就从来没见过人这样用,于是我就蹭蹭跑到Wiktionary (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/i.e.), 看到:
American English demands a comma after i.e.; in British English a comma does not follow i.e.例句超级爱国主义:
The three U.S. states on the west coast (i.e., Washington, Oregon, and California) have favorable climates.在我过去一年写paper的过程中,我把我妹妹的很多意见(她帮我作proofreading)和加拿大reviewer的意见给周围的同学看,他们都说我是对的,加拿大人的用法都没见过! 我以为加拿大人(当然, 很多加拿大人会自豪的告诉你,"No, I don't speak English.") 和我们说一样的语言,因为他们的accent和我们是一样的,但是我悲伤的发现,他们的语法都和我们不一样,差异大到加拿大审稿人能给我半页纸的所谓 minor typos。
我联想到这样一件事,有一次,我妹妹说,the way to speak English不对,应该是the way of speaking English. 我到facebook上一问,大家都说我是对的,然后我非常政治不正确的问了一句,但是我加拿大妹妹说应该是the other way. 于是立马被骂了: Do you trust a Canadian instead of two Americans?
[9/26/10 8:51:11 PM] Forrest Sheng Bao: I feel so pathetic that we speak two difference languages....
[9/26/10 8:51:20 PM] Forrest Sheng Bao: i thought we were a family
[9/26/10 8:51:26 PM] Christina Z: lol