Oct 26, 2013

呼吁华人采取行动对抗Jimmy Kimmel


Jimmy Kimmel在10月16日的talk show节目中请一群小朋友讨论联邦政府关门,涉及欠中国钱的问题。
Jimmy Kimmel说,"Kill everyone in China? Okay, that's an interesting idea." (杀光中国人? 这个点子有趣。)
扯了一圈后他又说"Should we let the Chinese live?" (该让中国人活吗?)

如果把其中的“中国人”换成“犹太人”,Jimmy Kimmel和纳粹有什么区别?
小孩经常说疯狂的话,但是Jimmy Kimmel作为大人非但不阻止,还推波助澜。

现在ABC电视网已经把这段对话从网站上拿下,但是很多视频版本已在网路上流传。这里就是一个 http://jimmy-kimmel-wrong.com/

Talk show经常拿不同群体的人开刷,但是说把人全杀了,这非常过火 (cross the line)。

面对这种疯狂的言论,华人不该再沉默了。换做拉丁裔或非洲裔,早就暴动了——想想Trayvon Martin的事。

今天我们华人可以和白人在一个职场竞争,非吾等功劳,乃是黑人牧师Martin Luther King, Jr.和黑人伊斯兰教主 Malcom X. 带领黑人为所有有色人种争取来的。

现在是我们为自己斗争的时刻——权利不是给的,而是夺来的 (not given but taken!)。这次要让全国看见华人不是软柿子。


1. 白宫请愿(总统确实做不了啥,但是可以吸引全国媒体注意) http://wh.gov/lDjXJ

2. 网上填表或致电ABC,要求Jimmy Kimmel被fire! 要求ABC管理层做全国性道歉。表格URL: http://abc.go.com/contact-us 我写了一个模板如下,只要copy and paste.

Hi, I watched Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16. In that episode, Jimmy called the idea of killing all Chinese "an interesting idea." He further asked kids "Should we let the Chinese live." This sounds so Nazi to me, if you replace "Chinese" by "Jewish people". Jimmy prompted racial hatred and violence. And he did in front of kids. I want him fired and I demand a public apology from ABC. You cannot cover this up. Business Insider has reported this http://www.businessinsider.com/jimmy-kimmels-china-kids-table-segment-2013-10

3. 向媒体爆料(news tip/story idea),杀光中国人这个口号太劲爆了,应该有媒体喜欢。联系你的local媒体或全国性大媒体(CNN, NY Times, etc.)
* CNN News: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/show/?s=newstip
* New York Times: news-tips@nytimes.com
* NBC News: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/10285339 注意"Feedback Type"请选择"Story idea"
* Fox News: foxnewstips@foxnews.com
* CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/feedback/fb_news_form.shtml

我也写了一个模板,只要copy and paste.

I watched Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16. In that episode, Jimmy called the idea of killing all Chinese "an interesting idea." He further asked kids "Should we let the Chinese live?" This sounds so Nazi to me, if you replace "Chinese" by "Jewish people". Jimmy prompted racial hatred, genocide and violence. And he did in front of kids. Business Insider has reported this and I think you guys should report this serious issue. This country has already had enough deaths and violence. http://www.businessinsider.com/jimmy-kimmels-china-kids-table-segment-2013-10

4. 联系(知名)人权团体,他们比大部分人有法律经验。
* ACLU (美国人权自由联盟)
- 在线表格 https://www.aclu.org/general-feedback
- 拜访ACLU本地机构 https://www.aclu.org/affiliates
* NAACP (有色人种促进会,传说中黑人的组织) http://www.naacp.org/page/s/contact

我把给媒体的模板改了一下,也只要copy and paste.
I watched Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16. In that episode, Jimmy called the idea of killing all Chinese "an interesting idea." He further asked kids "Should we let the Chinese live?" This sounds so Nazi to me, if you replace "Chinese" by "Jewish people". Jimmy prompted racial hatred, genocide and violence. And he did in front of kids. He did horribly wrong. This country has already had enough deaths and violence. Business Insider has reported this: http://www.businessinsider.com/jimmy-kimmels-china-kids-table-segment-2013-10 I am hereby seeking your legal advices and help on how to file a class action against Jimmy Kimmel and ABC.

5. 利用自己的social network (facebook, G+, twitter, linkedin, etc.) 分享并扩散此事,特别是给非华人朋友。比如这个网站 http://jimmy-kimmel-wrong.com/ 而且有facebook和twitter直接share的button。

最后,请大家记住 Martin Luther King, Jr. 在 I have a dream 中说的话: We
refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. (我们拒绝相信正义的
银行破产了) 我们要像黑人在1960年代一样为了权利和尊严斗争! 我们是炎黄世胄,


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